Author: admin

  • Aparat portabil pentru inlaturat scame

    Aparat portabil pentru inlaturat scame

    Cumpara acum: Aparat portabil pentru inlaturat scame ! Vrei sa arati mereu impecabil ? Foloseste un Aparat portabil pentru inlaturat scame si pastreaza hainele ca noi! Scapa usor de scamele, parul de animale sau praful fin de pe haine si bucura-te de haine curate si frumoase. Cum se foloseste Pasul 1. Aseaza hainele pe o […]

  • Connecting the Shelly H&T temperature and humidity sensor

    Connecting the Shelly H&T temperature and humidity sensor

    Home automating is a beneficial change for our way of living. However, many people are reluctant to make the transition from the classic home to the smart home for various reasons. Among these we can include the fear of engaging in something far too complicated or that might require assistance from a specialist. You don’t […]

  • Conectarea senzorului de temperatura si umiditate Shelly H&T

    Conectarea senzorului de temperatura si umiditate Shelly  H&T

    Automatizarea casei reprezinta o schimbare benefica pentru modul nostru de a trai. Cu toate acestea, multe persoane ezita sa faca trecerea de la locuinta clasica la casa inteligenta din diverse motive. Printre acestea se numara teama de a se angaja in ceva mult prea complicat sau care necesita asistenta de specialitate. Nu trebuie sa-ti mai […]

  • Wi-Fi temperature and humidity sensor

    Wi-Fi temperature and humidity sensor

    Increase the comfort level at home! Use a Wi-Fi Temperature and Humidity Sensor that allows you to easily monitor temperature and humidity values ​​for an improved lifestyle! Benefits experience comfort according to your needs and you enjoy a healthier life! works both online (connected to the cloud) and offline; you don’t depend on a Hub; […]

  • Senzor de temperatura si umiditate Wi-Fi

    Senzor de temperatura si umiditate Wi-Fi

    Cumpara acum: Senzor de temperatura si umiditate Wi-Fi ! Creste nivelul confortului de acasa! Foloseste un Senzor de temperatura si umiditate Wi-Fi care iti permite sa monitorizezi usor valorile de temperatura si umiditate pentru un stil de viata imbunatatit! Avantaje te bucuri de confortul potrivit nevoilor tale si ai parte de o viata mai sanatoasa! […]

  • Xiaomi Automatic Foam Dispenser

    Xiaomi Automatic Foam Dispenser

    Take better care of your and your family’s health with the Xiaomi Automatic Foam Dispenser! Choose this modern dispenser for the bathroom, kitchen or your work space! Are you interested in personal and family hygiene ? Thanks to the touch-free sensor, you’ll reduce the risk of coming into contact with any impurities! The advantages of […]

  • Dozator automat de sapun spuma Xiaomi

    Dozator automat de sapun spuma Xiaomi

    Cumpara acum: Dozator automat de sapun spuma Xiaomi ! Ai mai multa grija de sanatatea ta si a familiei tale cu un Dozator automat de sapun spuma de la Xiaomi! Alege acest dozator modern pentru baie, bucatarie sau spatiul de lucru! Esti interesat de igiena personala si a familiei ? Datorita senzorului fara atingeri, vei […]

  • Wi-Fi Smart Bulb

    Wi-Fi Smart Bulb

    Brighten your home with warm or cold dimmable light and create the desired ambiance in any room! Use a Smart Wi-Fi Bulb and give individuality to your home without needing a Hub! Do you want to make your home smart but don’t want to complicate yourself with standards like Zigbee, Z-Wave or other connections ? […]

  • Bec Smart Wi-Fi

    Bec Smart Wi-Fi

    Cumpara acum: Bec Smart Wi-Fi ! Lumineaza casa cu lumina calda sau rece, dimabila si creeaza ambientul dorit in orice camera! Foloseste un Bec Smart Wi-Fi si ofera individualitate casei tale fara a avea nevoie de un Hub! Doresti sa-ti faci casa inteligenta, dar nu vrei sa te complici cu standarde precum Zigbee, Z-Wave sau […]

  • Zigbee Vibration Sensor

    Zigbee Vibration Sensor

    Does your child have a restless sleep ? Find out right away when he’s awake with the help of a Zigbee Vibration Sensor! Do you want to keep your valuables safe ? Use this sensor and always be up to date when any changes occur! The Zigbee Vibration Sensor can be connected to a Zigbee […]