Month: November 2019

  • Where do we start making our home smart ?

    Where do we start making our home smart ?

    The hardest part of starting to automate your home is the initial research. Often, especially at the beginning, you’ll ask yourself: What technologies to use ? Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Wave, KNX? What brands are better ? Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Philips Hue, others ? Should I choose a closed setup like Apple, or an open setup […]

  • Cum incepem sa facem casa inteligenta ?

    Cum incepem sa facem casa inteligenta ?

    Cea mai grea parte in a incepe sa-ti automatizezi casa este cercetarea intiala. Deseori, mai ales la inceput, te vei intreba: Ce tehnologii sa folosesc ? Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, KNX ? Ce marci sunt mai bune ? Hubitat, Samsung, Aeotec, Apple, Xiaomi, Philips Hue, altii ? Sa merg pe ceva in circuit inchis cum […]

  • The Z-Wave Smart Plug from Neo COOLCAM

    The Z-Wave Smart Plug from Neo COOLCAM

    Description The Neo COOLCAM smart plug monitors the consumption and manages the activity of devices in your home. The plug controls the activity of connected devices: groups them, turns them on or off and monitors their power consumption. The power consumption monitoring function is an advantage over simple models, because you can create scenarios based […]